Tsz and I are officially lazy -- we got up late and didn't get out into the city until after noon. Once we did, though, we had a little too much fun in the rain.
Our first stop was Rockefeller Center, but we didn't go to the top because it was too expensive. We're cheap. We were unusually classy tourists, as our next stop was the NY Public Library (the ceiling was painted as a WPA project, which I thought was great) and the nearby St. Patrick's Cathedral, the seat of the Archdiocese of New York. Next was Grand Central Station, and we stopped in the Chrysler Building to look at the ceiling mural (which was really not all that exciting).
It was, unfortunatly, raining, so we decided to leave Chinatown and Little Italy for another day. However, I thought I saw the other apparently awesome chruch (St. John, the largest Gothic Cathedral in the world). Funny story -- it wasn't. It was St. Patrick's again, from the opposite side. All was not lost, though, because we found the Build-a-Bear Workshop and the American Girl Store. SO. MANY. CHILDREN. Oddly, there was no sign of the American Girl Samantha anywhere. I'm guessing Mattel got sued.
We had delicious dumplings in K-town, and then came back. Movie night!
PS-- the web won't let me upload photos right now (I think Tsz's brother and his friends are using too much broadband playing Fallout 3 [and then jumping at each other pretending to be zombies, and then screaming] for the ics to load) so I'll add them later. (photos added).