We finished up orientation today, and we're heading off to Africa in the morning. Today, we mostly did our medical briefing, and then talked in groups, and took a train to Target.
From now on, my blog posts are going to be different. I'm not going to be posting every day, and I'll decline, probably from writing lists of what I did. To be honest, the only reason I was really doing that before is so that I can remember what all of my pictures are of.
And speaking of pictures, photo uploading on Gambian dial-up could give me an aneurysm, so there will be fewer of those.
But I'm really excited! I like my group a lot, and we leave in 6 hours. Earliest possible contact will be on Saturday -- it'll take us about 2 days to get to Banjul and settled there.
Banjul: (bahn-JOOL) capital city
Bwiam: (bwee-AHM) where I'll be, at Sulayman Junkung General Hospital.
I am flying New York to Dulles to Dakar, Senegal.